Frida – vermittelt!

Geschlecht: Hündin
ca. 1 Jahr
Rasse: Engl. Setter-Mix
Größe: ca. 45 cm

Frida saß in einer kleinen Auffangstation der Insel Santorin und ist eine junge Setterhündin, vermutlich reinrassig. Sie wurde in einem schrecklichen Zustand außerhalb eines Dorfes gefunden, war dehydriert und so abgemagert, so dass man nicht wußte, ob sie überleben wird. Niemand wußte, wohin sie gehörte und niemand meldete sich und vermisste sie.Vermutlich wurde sie ausgesetzt oder sie ist irgendwo geflohen, um ihr Leben zu retten.

Sie ist inzwischen außer Lebensgefahr, aber noch sehr dünn und braucht dringend ein Zuhause, wo man sie aufpäppelt und ihr viel Zuwendung gibt. Frida hielt sich immer in der Nähe des Tors auf, als schiene sie auf Menschen zu warten, die sie dort herausholen und ihr ein artgerechtes Leben ermöglichen.

Fotos vom 16.1.19

Post aus dem neuen Zuhause, 26.02.2014

Dear friends,
Frida keeps developing. We are now doing two kind of classes. Tracking people, which interestingly took her sometime to get interested in, but now she is really starting to get focused at. And a combination of agility, brain gym and obedience.
She is the most clever dog in the class I think ;-), the first time she had to step with her front legs onto a little step she just did it immediately. I asked and she did it. Even the teacher looked surprised. Se loves all the activities where she has to jump on things and wait for me or follow me or do anything really.
By doing these things together she becomes more focused on me and I really notice that when we do anything. At the moment I’m keeping her on the lead all the time again as she had started to walk too far again in autumn. The teacher in the class thinks that with this work it will be possible after a while to walk with her loose, but close by me.
She always has to pull a bit when we first go outside. But afterwards she will walk easily on a loose line. Moving from my left to my right side on voice commands and we are now learning for her to sit down while I walk on a few metres and then return. I still take her riding or cycling to get rid of some energy. But the more we do in activities and the more braingym we do, the less she needs to simply run.
I’m still so happy that Frida chose me as I couldn’t have had a better dog for me.
Ganz liebe gruesse, best regards

Post aus dem neuen Zuhause, 15.08.13

Hi Marion,
I was just looking at Frida, being her adorable self, and thought i should send you a short message.
This spring and early summer it was a bit difficult as she ran away a few times and we found her through the vet or animal ambulance. She must have a few angels watching over her as she was never hurt but of course we were worried. So for a few months she was only allowed out on a lead again.
It’s not really that she ran away. More that she would start hunting. Follow something over the steam and then get lost and would start to wander. She was always happy to be back home. But somehow couldn’t find her own way.
To keep her active while on the lead I started cycling with her, and she absolutely loves that. After all if I walk her she can never go fast enough ;-). We also went horse riding from time to time and that she enjoys too. As long as we go fast 😉 walk is too slow.
I also worked with her again to make sure she doesn’t pull on the leash. Something that she seems to have forgotten every morning 😉 but luckily picks up again after a few minutes.
Slowly she became calmer again and even when we accidentally let her out without a leash she wouldn’t start running immediately. Then two weeks ago my mother decided to try how she would do without a leash again and she has been just great. She does do her running around the grounds but she keeps an eye on us and yesterday she even lay next to me in the grass as I was picking some plants out of the horses field. When my father is out on the mower she follows him around ;-).
I think that next year when spring comes we will need to keep her on a leash for a while again. It seems then it is too difficult not to go hunting. But she is also getting older and hopefully wiser. Plus we will install one of those electric wires that stop dogs from leaving a garden. That way she can be free and run always in the garden and just be on a lead at that time when we go for a walk.
My nieces and other kids in the neighbourhood love her as she is so sweet. And she is still a very cuddly dog. She is also still getting more beautiful since she is so much more confident now. She walks around like a princess rather pleased with herself ;-). I just cannot get her fat enough, but I comfort myself that the vet in Switzerland told me better to thin than too fat ;-).
By now the work on my part of the house has started so soon we will have our own part of the house. But I think she will live on both sides depending who she likes more in the moment. Me or my parents ;-).
She still gets on well with their dog and I think by now she is clearly the boss 😉 and they play quite a bit.
So that’s the update
Ganz liebe Grüße
Sytske & Frida

Post aus dem neuen Zuhause

Hallo Marion,
today it started snowing here and i thought i’d try to take a picture of Frida in the snow… well that wasn’t so easy… i’m not sending you the ones where she ran out of the picture and jumped up at me… but with her colour and the light these aren’t very clear either…

There are so many moments where i would like to take a picture and then of course those are the moments when i don’t have my camera or my hands full or i missed the moment. For example now when we come home she almost dances from the garage to the front door… she was very frightened of the slippery floors and all the space in the beginning, but now she walks ahead very confident and happy. And on Saturday we were at the horses and i was letting someone ride my horse and she just sat with me in the middle as if she has been around horses all her life.

She’s just such a lovely dog and i am so happy to have her ;-). On tuesday i had to go to a christmas dinner. I had been working from home, and she would go to my colleague Sylvia (Hill) for the evening. Because of our schedules, i already had to take her at 2:30 and then i was home alone for a few hours and the house just felt so empty…

We had our second dog training session, which was good fun and she is learning very fast to walk neatly up and down the stairs without passing me. It’s good fitness training when she does pass me, since then we have to go back to where we started. With me alone she also walks quite well on the line now, but when there are other dogs or when i am talking to a friend and not putting full attention on her there is still more to learn. Last week we went walking with Sylvia and her dog and they took us to a dog training place and she loved to go over the obstacle where they have to walk up… then walk over a small plank and then down again. It was quite slippery and that scared her first, and then once she managed to do it she quite loved it.

We work a lot with the long line and in the garden i have already been able to get her attention away from the chickens or rabbits to me by calling her. The one thing she doesn’t seem to do naturally is to bring me things… like to bring a toy when i throw it, it almost seems sometimes like she is afraid to take something in her mouth when i have thrown it. Though i now finally found a toy which she enjoys taking from me and bting on a bit. She does like to pick up my socks though when they are lying around :-). my dog trainer said to practise with those and then she could even help me sort the washing ;-). let’s see.

When we went to the vet last week it seemed that she had gained some weight. I weighed her in a pet shop when i just had her and then it said 12.2 kilo and at the vet’s she was 13 kilos. of course it may be that the scales where not quite the same, but she also feels a bit heavier. i even wondered the other day if she had grown in height … but perhaps she just stands a bit more proud. You can still see some bones though, and i feed her more than the recommended daily portion so i think in part she will need to build up muscle and in part she may always look on the skinny side.

Oh and what i almost forgot… even though i was writing because of the snow, is that she seems to like the snow. She doesn’t seem to like the rain, and then she tends to do her thing and looks at me like, can we go in now. Tonight it was snowing and i was curious what she would think and she seemed quite excited by it… she was wagging her tail and walked along quite happily. Even though the snow was faling quite heavily. When we came in she was trying to lick the snow of my overalls…

Now it is time to get some sleep, and i wanted to let you know how we are getting on. I will be off for three weeks now, so we will have lots of time to practise and spend time together.
Ganz liebe Gruesse for all of you
from Frida and Syts

Frida im neuen Zuhause

Bericht der Pflegestelle

Frida lebt sich hier ganz gut ein und auch mit unserem Hund Bossi gibt es keine Probleme.
Sie bleibt mit Bossi schon ganz toll alleine ohne zu jammern oder zu bellen und ist auch stubenrein. Sie hat unendlich viel Energieund man sollte sie eigentlich umbenennen in LOLA , denn wenn sie ohne Leine im Garten oder in den Gehegen läuft, da rennt sie und rennt und rennt und rennt und rennt immer noch, *lach*. Sie hat echt Ausdauer und sie braucht auch Beschäftigung für den Kopf, denn sie will was arbeiten.Vielleicht ist es jetzt auch erstmal so, dass sie einfach wieder die Freiheit und das Leben entdeckt…….

Ansonsten ist sie auch verspielt und interessiert sich extrem für Fliegen ;-), die sie versucht zu fangen wobei auch mal etwas zu Bruch gehen kann, da sie über Tisch und Bänke springt.
Auch sonst schleppt sie manchmal alles mögliche an, was ihr vor die Schnauze kommt. Bellen tut sie momentan noch gar nicht, mal sehen wie es wird, wenn sie mal ganz angekommen ist.
Katzen und Kinder sind uns noch keine begegnet dazu kann ich also noch nichts sagen.In der Wohnung und auf dem Grundstück hört sie schon ganz gut und sie ist extrem verschmust .Alles in allem wiedermal ein ganz ganz tolles Mädchen!

Frida in ihrer Pflegestelle

Frida auf Santorini

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